No.158, June 2008
No. 158 - June 2008
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The Editor's Bit
If you’re thinking, “Is it a month since the last Stun came out already,” don’t worry, you haven’t lost a week out of your life; it is only three weeks since I last sat down to write this column before sending it off to the printers. I decided to do a bit of catch-up to get the Stun out earlier in the month, which means we’ve got more of this month’s gigs for you in the gig-list. It also means I won’t be trying to get the Stun finished on Elly’s birthday next week; it will be finished and in the bars already.
Last month’s What’s On page was hijacked by the Rugby 7’s, but it’s back to music this month, with my tips for some good gigs in the next few weeks... and a musical!
We’ve got plenty of pictures from around the bars and at the ground during the Rugby 7’s weekend, including some from Jennie, who was following the Plume of Feathers team with her camera. Although I took some pictures at Gregorio’s birthday party, Gregorio took more and sent us some to use in the Stun, which we did. Thank you both. We welcome pictures from our readers, so keep sending them in and I’ll do my best to include as many as possible.
No crossword this month: I had too much stuff to squeeze in the available space, but not enough to add another four pages, and I wasn’t going to leave out the jokes, Dear Dorothy, Being Frank on Football or any of the pictures. Enjoy your Stun.