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No.277, October 2018

Stun 277
No. 277 - October 2018

Click on the picture to open this edition of The Amsterdam Stun in a new window. To view it, you need Adobe Reader software which is available from here.

The Editor's Bit

Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun! It’s hard to believe I’ve been making the Amsterdam Stun for 25 years, but it’s true! I only made the first one to save me having to write 10 different letters to friends and they all loved it, so I had to carry on. Such a momentous occasion has to be celebrated, so I’ll be having a party in Molly Malone’s on Saturday 13th October, starting around 20:00 and you’re all invited. We’ll have live music from Mosquito, but we need you to make it a party! Hope you can join us.

If you’d like to thank me for all the hard work I’ve put into bringing a smile to your face over the years, gifts of drink, consumables or cash will be gratefully accepted.

The tunnel featured on last month’s cover is called the Cuyperspassage. Nobody entered our Cover Competition, so maybe it’s time I started looking for some proper prizes instead of just offering an Honourable Mention. If any bar owners would like to sponsor the Cover Competition by donating a prize, let me know.

No competition this month, but in case you are wondering, it’s 25 (mainly) October covers from previous years.

I came very close to not having a photo of myself in this edition, but then I bumped into Stun proof reader Josie just as her birthday was starting and she insisted on having one taken with us together.

We’ve got plenty of other photos, including from a birthday party, a wedding and a wake, plus all of our usual stuff, so enjoy your Stun.