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No.292, January 2020

Stun 292
No. 292 - January 2020

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The Editor's Bit

It’s 2020, so I should have a clear vision of where the Amsterdam Stun is going in this decade, but after finding our feet in the Nineties, expanding in the Noughties and bursting into colour during the Teens, I haven’t got a clue what the Roaring Twenties will bring! For now, it’s just business as usual!

We had a great response to last month’s Cover Competition, although the entries only started coming in after I’d posted it on the Stun’s Facebook Page and Group! Eleven of our wonderful readers gave us the correct answer of “Belle”, so without further ado, here are the prize winners:
Steven pulled Angela Spence’s name out of the hat, so she wins the €50 voucher for food & drink in Molly Malone’s.
Alan Sells can share 4 pints of Heineken with his friends, courtesy of Jojo in Rock On!
Two prizes from Janice in Café Oporto: the bottle of red wine goes to Lynne Routledge and Susan Smith wins the bottle of white wine.

Honourable Mentions go out to Berna Meijer, Chris Mundell, Frank Weston, Ingrid Holtermann, Jim Scrimgeour, Lee Findley and Marie Pimousse for also sending in the correct answer; sorry there’s no physical prize for you.

There are no prizes for this month’s Cover Competition, but Honourable Mentions will go out to anybody who can tell me who that’s a statue of on the cover. Some of our readers will have known her personally and even more will have had their photo taken sitting next to her statue, but what was her name?

All of our usual stuff, apart from Terry’s column, is here, so enjoy your first Amsterdam Stun of the new decade!