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No.322, October 2023

Stun 322
No. 322 - October 2023

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The Editor's Bit

There’s no Cover Competition this month; instead, you’re all invited to join me in Molly Malone’s on Monday 16th October from 19:00 onwards to celebrate 30 years of the Amsterdam Stun! I would have loved to say there’s an open bar, but sadly, no; you’ll have to pay for your own drinks. There will be live music because Molly’s have a traditional Irish session with Victor Lacken on Monday nights, but I’m sure all of my musician friends will be welcome to join in; they all know Victor.

As for last month’s Cover Competition, Honourable Mentions go to Damir, who got it with a lucky guess, and Jojo, who knew straight away that it is in Artis: she looked it up and apparently it was a gift from the employees for the zoo’s 150th anniversary. They’ll also get a drink from me, if they come to the Stun party in Molly’s.

For nearly 28 years, every copy of the Amsterdam Stun has had a Help column, filled with useful phone numbers and addresses, ranging from emergency services and foreign embassies to night shops. I haven’t updated it for years, so some of the numbers might have changed, and who knew that the British Consulate in Amsterdam closed down three years ago? It has helped out a lot of people in the past but now that nearly everybody has got a smartphone in their pocket, it has served its purpose, so I’m retiring the Help column. If you think the Help column is still important, let me know and I might bring it back, but without the embassies and night shops. Having a new advertiser helped with the decision, so we welcome the Backstage Bar to the (inside) Back Page.

Big Al was in town and I was determined not to miss him this time so I arranged to meet him in Café Oporto, where he met someone he’d been looking for for years; see page 22.

That’s it from me, all of our usual stuff is here, so enjoy your Stun and I hope to see you in Molly Malone’s on the 16th.